Farm / Audley Family Farm
Farm Type: Market Garden/Homestead
DidsburyWe are excited to be participating again this year!
We welcome you all to our homestead, where we’re operating a CSA style market garden.
We will be running free tours of our property hourly.
We are excited to have Three Sisters Family Farms bring their mouth watering sourdough!
- You will meet out adorable Nigerian Dwarf goats, piglets, and this year’s newest addition lambs!
- You will also get a tour of our gardens and learn about our no spray, low till systems.
- We will have a selection of in season veggies for sale. Our garlic will be fresh out of the ground as well!
- You will have the opportunity to purchase some feed. So you can go in to feed and play with the goats and lambs.
Cash works best however we have square as well for debit/credit.
Please leave your four legged friends at home. We do have farm dogs and they don’t like competition for attention.
We have electric fencing, assume all fencing is live and stay with the tour please.
- Audley Family Farm
- Market Garden/Homestead
- Keith & Stacey Audley
- 403-478-1120
- audleyfamilyfarm@gmail.com
- Yes
- Saturday August 17th
- 10:00 AM
- 5:00 PM
27533 Twp 312 Didsbury T0M 0W0
From Highway 2 head east on Hwy 582 approximately 10 minutes to the 791.
Turn south
Then take your next right on the 312. We are the first driveway on the left (south)
- 51.64778
- -113.81801
- https://www.facebook.com/audleyfamilyfarm?mibextid=kFxxJD
- https://www.instagram.com/audleyfamilyfarm?igsh=YWVzc2czcHo3Nzhi