Farm / White Treasure Farm
Farm Type: Goat Farm
Red Deer CountyThe Henderson’s have participated in Open Farm Days since its very first year.
White Treasure Farm: A farm that raises 2 breeds of Goats: Angora for fiber production and LaManchas dairy & meat we grow Native Plants and Dahlias, Centennial Rocket Tomatoes
- Tour of the Animals in their pasture
- A visit to the pen where a select group of goats are viewed up close, Hands on the younger
- Kids born this year
- An information session with each group visiting the pen. Topic raising goats, kidding out. Shearing
- Hoof trimming, Diet.
- Question & Answer period.
- Carding & spinning raw mohair
- Handwashing mohair
- Steps from fleece to garments
- Animal to commercial Sale of raw Mohair
- Sales Table for the purchase of socks, hides, raw mohair cleaned but not washed for Crafters, table for plants!
Farm will be open on both days from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm..
Schedule: Visitors will be asked to sign in on arrival.
- Visitors will then be taken to Pen #1 where the selected group are penned to take part in the information Session.
- There will be a host to then take you out the rest of the herd’
- You will complete the tour with washing demo and carding and spinning.
Visitors will then have an opportunity to visit the sales table.
Accommodations Seating areas, picnic table. Bathroom avail in farm house. No public toilet. 2 hand washing stations 1 at viewing pen 1 by the demo table where the washing of mohair takes place.
What does this visit mean to someone who has not stepped on to a farm before? A completely different life style then what they have in the city! Things you will learn:
- Much of the meat comes from the herd.
- Care of animals is a daily priority
- Certain procedures are seasonal shearing for example is done the first week in March and Labor day weekend.
- Kidding out takes place from Mid Feb To early April
It is a wonderful life style and a great place to raise children and at the other end of the spectrum to spend Ones retirement days.
* Please no dogs*
- whttreas@outlook.com
- Goat Farm
- Laura Lee Henderson
- (403) 728-3488
- whttreas@outlook.com
- No
- August 17 & 18th
- 9:00 AM
- 5:00 PM
36347 Range Road 23 Red Deer County, AB T4G 0K1
From Red Deer
Take Calgary And Alberta Trl/C & E Trail and Township Rd 370 to Range Rd 23/Range Rd 23A in Markerville
30 min (38.1 km)Follow Range Rd 23 to your destination
5 min (4.0 km)
36347 Range Rd 23
AB, T4G 0K1 - 52.10943
- -114.21517