There are many ways to shop farm fresh in Alberta, from a farmers market to subscription boxes, but did you know that many farms have a store onsite, will deliver or ship food to you?
We’ve created a list of how to shop straight from a farm in Alberta!
There are two ways to search this information, by food type or by map! Using the map below you’ll be able to zoom into your region and find a farm store near you.
How to find a farm to buy from:
- Find a farm that’s close to you using the map or by the categories below
- Click on their website or social channels to see how to purchase and if there are delivery methods. Although most farms do not have an official storefront, they will sell from their property or have delivery methods. Always best to check their website and or social channels for more information.
- If you don’t already, follow your farm on social media. Hot tip, farm social media is the best kind of social media.
Using the spreadsheets (below)
- Sort by location, name of farm or product type.
- Click on the website to shop online, their social pages to see what their pickup/delivery terms are
- Send the farm an email to make an arrangement for delivery/pickup or information.
- Vegetable farms can be a seasonable business (depending on whether they have greenhouses) and will often have “CSA” by their names. Please find more information on their CSA and growing season on the farm individual websites.
Farms with Stores
Name of Farm | Address | Type of Product | Website | Social Media | Contact |
Serben Farms | Smoky Lake (See map below) | Pies, Meat | Serben Farms | ||
Good Morning Honey | Parkland County | Honey | Good Morning Honey | info@GoodMorningHoney.ca | |
Irvings Farm Fresh | Roundhill (See map below) | Pork | Irvings Fresh Farm | info@irvingsfarmfresh.com | |
TK Ranch | Calgary (See map below) | Beef | TK Ranch | info@tkranch.com | |
Spraggs Meat | Calgary and Rosemary (See map below) | Pork | Spraggs Meat Shop | meatshop@spraggsmeatshop.com | |
Eau Claire Distillery | Turner Valley (See map below) | Distillery | Eau Claire Distillery | info@eauclairedistillery.ca |
Rig Hand | Nisku (See map below) | Distillery | Rig Hand | info@righanddistillery.com | |
Fallen Timber Meadery | Water Valley (See map below) | Meadery | Fallen Timber | info@fallentimbermeadery.ca | |
Your Local Ranch | Airdrie (See map below) | Beef | Your Local Ranch | info@yourlocalranch.com | |
Troubled Monk | Red Deer (See map below) | Brewery | Troubled Monk | taproom@troubledmonk.com | |
Blindman Brewery | Lacombe (See map below) | Brewery | Blindman Brewing | hello@blindmanbrewing.com | |
The Meat Shop | Wetaskawin (See map below) | Beef, Pork, Chicken | PH Meatshop | info@phmeatshop.ca | |
Chinook Honey | Okotoks (See map below) | Honey, Mead, Apitherapy | Chinook Honey | info@chinookhoney.com | |
HGB Bison | Olds (See map below) | Bison | HGB Bison | hgb.bison@gmail.com | |
God’s Prairie Simple Farms | St Paul (See map below) | Beef, Honey | godsprairiesimple@gmail.com | ||
The Gull Lake Honey Company | Lacombe (See map below) | Honey | gulllakehoney@gmail.com | ||
Crystal Springs Cheese | Lethbridge (See Map Below) | Cheese, Milk, Yogurt | Crystal Springs Cheese | info@crystalspringscheese.com | |
Thiel’s Greenhouses Ltd | Bruderheim (See map below) | Vegetables | Thiels Greenhouse | info@thielsgreenhouse.ca | |
Broek Pork Acres | Lethbridge (See map below) | Pork | Broek Pork Acres | info@broekpork.com | |
Tawatinaw Valley Bison | Athabasca (See map below) | Bison | Tawatinaw Valley Bison | tawatinawvalleybison@gmail.com | |
The Red Barn | Brooks (See map below) | Eggs, Preserves, Pumpkins, Raspberries, Vegetables | The Red Barn | gietzm@backfortyenterprises.com | |
YR Ranch | Red Deer | Bison | YR Ranch | yrranch.ca@hotmail.com |

Serben Farms
Farms with Online Stores
Name of Farm | Address | Type of Product | Website | Social Media | Contact |
609 Farms | Camrose | Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Pork | 609farms@gmail.com | ||
805 Farms | Torrington | Eggs | 805 Farms | tarabauerjj@gmail.com | |
Armstrong Acres | Hythe | Beef, Chicken | Armstrong Acres | info@armstrongacres.net | |
Backwoods Buffalo | Mayerthorpe | Bison | Backwoods Buffalo | backwoodsbuffaloranch@gmail.com | |
Bessie Box | Alberta (subscription box) | Variety | Bessie Box | get@bessiebox.com | |
Blindman Brewery | Lacombe | Brewery | Blindman Brewing | hello@blindmanbrewing.com | |
Blue Mountain Biodynamic Farms | Calgary | Eggs, Pork, Preserves, Vegetables (CSA) | Blue Mountain Biodynamic Farms | blumtbiodynamic@gmail.com | |
Blue Ridge Farms | Blue Ridge | Beef, Chicken, Pork | Blue Ridge Farms | info@blueridgefarms.ca | |
Broken Tine Orchard | Grande Prairie | Haskap Berries | Broken Tine Orchard | haskap@brokentineorchard.ca | |
Buttery Bites Caramels | Bay Tree | Caramels | Buttery Bites | butterybites@gmail.com |
Chinook Honey | Okotoks | Honey, Mead, Apitherapy | Chinook Honey | info@chinookhoney.com | |
Country Lane Farms | Strathmore | Chicken | Country Lane Farms | info@countrylanefarms.com | |
Dreaming Creek Farms | Winfield | Vegetables and Fruit | |||
Dykshoorn Farms | Foremost | Beef | Dykshoorn Farms | sales@dykshoornfarms.com | |
Eau Claire Distillery | Turney Valley | Distillery | Eau Claire Distillery | info@eauclairedistillery.ca | |
Eh Farms | Strathmore | Pork | Eh Farms | ehfarms2016@gmail.com | |
Fallen Timber Meadery | Water Valley | Meadery | Fallen Timber | info@fallentimbermeadery.ca | |
Fifth Gen Farms | Wetaskawin | Vegetables (CSA) | Fifth Gen Gardens | fifthgfarm@gmail.com | |
First Nature Farms | Goodfare | Beef, Bison, Chicken, Pork, Turkey | First Nature Farms | firstnaturefarms@gmail.com | |
Flaghill Ranch | Craigmyle | Beef | Flaghill Ranch | flaghillranch@gmail.com | |
Good Morning Honey | Parkland County | Honey | Good Morning Honey | info@GoodMorningHoney.ca | |
Grey Arrow Farm | Camrose | Vegetables (CSA) | Gray Arrow Farm | contact@greyarrowfarm.ca | |
Happiness By The Acre | Carstairs | Egg, Vegetables, Flowers (CSA) | Happiness by the Acre | farming@happinessbytheacre.ca | |
Harden Garden | Wainwright | Eggs, Ham | thehardengarden@gmail.com | ||
Harmony's Way Family Farm | Peace Country | Beef, Pork, Chicken | Harmony's Way Family Farm | info@harmonyswayfamilyfarm.com | |
Herbert Family Farm | Edberg | Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Turkey | Herbert Family Farm | herbertfarm@mcsnet.ca | |
Hoven Farms | Eckville | Beef | Hoven Farms | thehovens@hovenfarms.com | |
Irvings Farm Fresh | Roundhill | Pork | Irvings Farm Fresh | info@irvingsfarmfresh.com | |
Lady's Hat Farms | Castor | Floral | Ladys Hat Farm | ladyshatfarm@gmail.com | |
Lazuli Farms Canada | Camrose | Pork | Lazuli Farms | info@lazulifarms.com | |
Lazy T Farm | Halkirk | Beef, Chicken | Lazy T Farm | lazytfarmalberta@gmail.com | |
Metis Crossing | Smoky Lake | Bison burgers/smokies | Metis Crossing | metiscrossing@metis.org | |
MSW Farms | Ponoka | Beef, elk, bison and pork products | MSW Meat ProductMSW Farms | mswfarms@gmail.com | |
Paradis Valley Honey | Birch Hills County | Honey | Paradis Valley Honey | info@paradisvalleyhoney.com | |
Prairie Gold Meats | Red Deer County | Beef | Prairie Gold Meats | blake@prairiegoldmeats.ca | |
Red Tail Farms | Castor | Beef | Red Tail Farms | redtailfarms1@gmail.com | |
Rig Hand Distillery | Nisku | Distillery | Rig Hand Distillery | info@righanddistillery.com | |
Serben Farms | Smoky Lake | Pies, meat | Serben Farms | info@serbenfarms.com | |
Somerset Pumpkins | Parkland County | Pumpkins, Squash | Somerset Pumpkins | somersetpumpkins@gmail.com | |
Spraggs Meat | Calgary and Rosemary (see map) | Pork | Spraggs Meat | meatshop@spraggsmeatshop.com | |
Stone Post Farms | Wildwood | Beef, Chicken, Pork, Vegetables | Stone Post Farms | info@stonepostfarms.ca | |
The Gull Lake Honey Company | Lacombe | Honey | gulllakehoney@gmail.com | ||
The Meat Shop | Wetaskawin | Beef, Chicken, Pork | PH Meat Shop | info@phmeatshop.ca | |
Thundering Ground Bison | Calmar | Bison | Thundering Ground Bison | thunderinggroundbisonranch@gmail.com | |
TK Ranch | Calgary (see map) | Beef | TK Ranch | info@tkranch.com | |
TME Farms | Camrose | Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Pork | tmefarmsab@outlook.com | ||
Trails End Beef | Nanton | Beef | Trails End Beef | tylerandrachel@trailsendbeef.com | |
Troubled Monk | Red Deer | Brewery | Troubled Monk | taproom@troubledmonk.com | |
TWA Dugs Farm | Warburg | Garlic, Pumpkins | TWA Dugs Farm | twadugsfarm@gmail.com | |
Whispering Wind Farms | Carstairs | Beef, Pork | Whispering Wind Farms | kellyworthington@shaw.ca | |
Your Local Ranch | Airdrie | Beef | Your Local Ranch | info@yourlocalranch.com | |
Ridge Lane Ranch | Vegreville | Beef, Chicken, Pork | ridgelaneranch@yahoo.com | ||
Triple Lyoness | Dapp | Beef, Chicken, Pork | Triple Lyoness Farm | carlyon@triplelyonessfarm.ca | |
Black Pine Pastures | Leduc | Chicken, Lamb, Pork, Turkey | Black Pine Pastures | roslynk@blackpinepastures.com | |
Jackknife Creek Land and Cattle | Manning | Beef | Jack Knife Creek Land and Cattle | jclcfarms@gmail.com | |
Grand Trunk Veggies | Calgary | Vegetables | Chefs Farmer | grandtrunkveg@gmail.com | |
Thiel’s Greenhouses Ltd. | Bruderheim | Vegetables | Thiels Greenhouse | info@thielsgreenhouse.ca | |
Broek Pork Acres | Lethbridge | Pork | Broek Pork Acres | info@broekpork.com | |
Forth Haven Farms | Wetaskawin | Chicken, Eggs, Lamb, Pork, Vegetables | Forth Haven Farms | info@forthhavenfarms.com | |
Eco Valley Ranch | Picture Butte | Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Lamb, Pork, Turkey, | Eco Valley Ranch | sales@ecovalleyranch.ca | |
Grainworks | Vulcan | Grains, Legumes | Grainworks | info@grainworks.com | |
Blue Rein Ranch | Fort Macleod | Beef | Blue Rein Ranch | info@bluereinranch.ca | |
Fork in the Rowed Farms | Lethbridge | Vegetables, Fruit | Fork in the Rowed Farms | info@fitrfarm.ca | |
Soet Farms | Picture Butte | Rabbit Meat | soetfarms@gmail.com | ||
Chatsworth Farm | Vermilion | Beef, Chicken, Eggs, Lamb, Turkey | Chatsworth Farm | chatsworthfarm1@gmail.com | |
Prairie Skies Ranch | Sherwood Park | Beef Chicken, Eggs, Pork, Turkey | Prairie Skies Ranch | Info@prairieskiesranch.ca | |
Sych Homestead Inc | Hay Lakes | Bison | Sych Homestead | hello@sychhomestead.ca | |
Wild Country Gardens | Wildwood County | Herbal Teas, Preserves | Wild Country Gardens | pmsparks@xplornet.com | |
YR Bison Ranch | Red Deer | Bison | YR Bison Ranch | yrranch.ca@hotmail.com |
Map Legend
Red; Beef, Pork, Chicken, Turkey
Yellow: Honey
Green: Vegetables
Purple: Local Store
If you’re a farm and would like to be added to this list or would like your listing updated, please email: nicola@albertaagsocieties.ca